Shift: Free HTML5 Bootstrap Template for Portfolio

Shift is a free html5 bootstrap template that is perfect for portfolio, freelancers, and agency websites. Inspired by minimalist and elegant design that will make your portfolio more noticeable. This template was built with the latest technology such as HTML5, CSS3, Sass and jQuery. Download and share!

Light: Free HTML5 Template Bootstrap

Light is a minimal and clean free HTML5 template that have features like, google map, lightbox, carousel to name a few. Light is perfect for agency, corporate, freelancer, developer, designer and you can actually modify it to suit your needs.

Relic: Free HTML5 Template using Bootstrap

Relic is free HTML5 template that is perfect for an agency, corporate, freelancer, designer and developer alike. The template has a popup out navigation, readable content and a beautiful combination of serif and sans-serif fonts.